Great update. It's nice to see My Waifu Rin as it been awhile(not really that long). I won't go in to details about the story as the update just came out but I'm definitely interested in what Mila and the rest are going to bring.
Elaine. Jesus, That thirst of her's can't be quenched lol. I'm going to keep playing hard to get with her as I'm not sure which way leads to the love route for her. Just fooling around with her feels like it leads to her being a slave to my dick(i can't believe I'm against this lol) or her leaving me once i start simping. Basically i want her to be my simp instead

but I'm unsure of which choice i should commit to. To chase or be chased.
Moving on to Crystal. She was a cutie this update and last if i forgot to say it. She is definitely waifu material(as if she wasn't already). I'm still interested in her backstory and can't wait to see what's going on with that. I'm enjoying getting to know her more. As for the Zeke and Mika stuff. I'm going to be honest. I'm salty that she isn't on the table but i fully understand that it wouldn't be fair to Zeke if she was so while I'm salty i get it(or not because Zeke will be tonight

(I'm not serious btw or am i?)).
Also the MC took that order too seriously. It probably went off like this in his head.
MC: It is now my mission to blend in with them. So I'm going sleep with one of them so i can fit in.
Victor: Um, you don't have to sleep with them.
MC:..... Whatever it takes.
Victor: Hello?
I'm looking forward to the next update, especially after that ending. I know i didn't get to comment on a few other details this update as there was some more stuff that happened like that obvious hint with Yui during T or D but i want to make this as short as i could possible get it and i still failed lol.