Why Was ‘Crowds On Demand’ Recruiting in

Will E Worm

Why Was ‘Crowds On Demand’ Recruiting in Charlotte, NC Last Week?

After the car ramming attack in Charlottesville that killed one person and injured 19 others, many are speculating the thought, as with past events, that maybe certain people, even actors were paid at the rally?

It’s not that farfetched considering all the paid people who were bussed in to riot at Trump’s events while he was campaigning for president. Remember Chicago? Let’s face it, if the left really wanted Americans to believe that riots were taking place due to ‘white supremists’ they could certainly ‘stage’ those events to appear nationwide as they did with all the BLM riots.

One thing is for certain, recently ‘Crowds on Demand’ placed ads for hired actors/protesters in Charlotte, North Carolina. What’s THAT about?

The discovery of a craigslist ad posted last Monday, almost a full week before the Charlottesville protests, is raising new questions over whether paid protesters were sourced by a Los Angeles based “public relations firm specializing in innovative events” to serve as agitators in counterprotests.

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The ad was posted by a company called Crowds on Demand and offered $25 per hour to “actors and photographers” to participate in events in the “Charlotte, NC area.” While the ad didn’t explicitly define a role to be filled by its crowd of “actors and photographers” it did ask applicants to comment on whether they were “ok with participating in peaceful protests.” Here is the text from the ad:

Actors and Photographers Wanted in Charlotte

Crowds on Demand, a Los Angeles-based Public Relations firm specializing in innovative events, is looking for enthusiastic actors and photographers in the Charlotte, NC area to participate in our events. Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts to celebrity scenes. The biggest qualification is enthusiasm, a “can-do” spirit. Pay will vary by event but typically is $25+ per hour plus reimbursements for gas/parking/Uber/public transit.

For more information about us, please visit www.crowdsondemand.com

If you’re interested in working with us, please reply to this posting with the following info:
◾Full Name
◾Prior relevant experience (as an actor/performer, photographer, brand ambassador, political activist, etc)
◾When are you usually available for work?
◾Resume (optional)
◾If you’re a photographer, what equipment do you use?
◾Are you ok with participating in peaceful protests (optional)?

What the HECK!? $25/hour to be an agitator?

Sounds like quite the part-time gig!

So what is “Crowds on Demand?”

According to their own website, they’re in the business of sourcing large crowds of people to “provide clients with protests, rallies, [and]flash-mobs” all over the country. They even have an entire page on their website dedicated to “Protests and Rallies.”

Here’s some of their advertisement from their website:

Are you looking to create a buzz anywhere in the United States? At Crowds on Demand, we provide our clients with protests, rallies, flash-mobs, paparazzi events and other inventive PR stunts. These services are available across the country in every major U.S city, every major U.S metro area and even most smaller cities as well. We provide everything including the people, the materials and even the ideas. You can come to us with a specific plan of action and we can make it happen. OR, you can approach us with a general idea and we can help you plan the strategy then execute it.

We’ve made campaigns involving hundreds of people come to action in just days. We have a proven record of delivering major wins on even the toughest campaigns and delivering phenomenal experiences with even the most logistically challenging events.

The CEO of Crowds on Demand, Adam Swart, it seems has denied that his firm was involved in the Charlottesville protests, but refused to provide details on the specific purpose of the Craigslist ad and/or why it was temporarily removed yesterday before being restored.

Crowds on Demand is currently advertising for paid protestors in Las Vegas. They appear to be gearing up for protests in Las Vegas in the very near future. Their ad was posted on Craigslist there 7 days ago.

Seems fishy to me. Or is that ‘phishy’?

I don’t know about you, but I smell a rat….a DemocRAT! Can you say Soros?!




Hiliary 2020
Here's the deal.
Most people who can still think for themselves are against removing Civil War statues ect.
But now thanks to The GOV's dishonest Fake News (patent pending) media anybody who opposes it is in the category of a NEO NAZI, or at least a RACIST.
That includes politicians and other people who have the power to oppose such things.
Now if they speak out against removing certain historical things they will be deemed a racist forever.
So they won't.

Very well played by the people who want to strip our cultural identity so we are easier to manipulate and control.....because that is the end game here.

And how easy it is.
Lets say someone is super pro abortion. Well all that person has to do is bomb a few abortion clinics, maybe shoot a few doctors or employees and heavens to betsy now anyone who opposes abortion is a potential terrorist.
So easy to manupulate the masses.
Want more money for Israel.......piant a swaztika on a few jewish churches.
Create a race riot, go to a Black neigborhood and burn a few crosses.
And these things don't even have to happen. No proof necessary these days.......if the Fake News says its real then it must be real.

Final thought on this crap.
Sure. lets erase the history of the Confederacy. Lets continue to revise history.
Next will be Old George, Benny, and Tommy Jefferson.
Whittle away at everything until history is exactly what they want it to be.
Sure. lets erase the history of the Confederacy. Lets continue to revise history.
Next will be Old George, Benny, and Tommy Jefferson.
Whittle away at everything until history is exactly what they want it to be.

If it was up to me I'd leave all the statues up. On the other hand I'm not a black person who's ancestors were slaves, so this isn't personal with me.
And let's not forget Old George, Benny and Jefferson helped create the United States. They didn't make war against it at the behest of a government that was entirely committed to both the preservation and spread of slavery.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I wish people would stop pretending the US was/is the worst transgressor when it comes to the slave trade and shitty treatment of black people.
I wish people would stop pretending the US was/is the worst transgressor when it comes to the slave trade and shitty treatment of black people.

You're right we weren't, but does it really matter that much where we rank? We did transgress heavily, despite the fact we were supposed to be the brave new world - a world that was better than the old - where all men were created equal.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I don't. My ancestors didn't make it to the US until the early 1900's on my mom's side. And my Dad's side settled in Nebraska in the 1880's. None of 'em participated in that. And the Indians weren't as peaceful towards each other, either. Tribes were constantly fighting each other.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I don't. My ancestors didn't make it to the US until the early 1900's on my mom's side. And my Dad's side settled in Nebraska in the 1880's. None of 'em participated in that. And the Indians weren't as peaceful towards each other, either. Tribes were constantly fighting each other.

And don't forget the Conquistadors that put a hard fucking on the Mayas and Aztecs. All that is history, sure there are scars, but no one living suffered the cuts.

Will E Worm

Ace Boobtoucher Israel?!?

Yes, Israel.

Dear Leader, Netanyahu says so.

Israel to deport Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers to third countries

Authorities will give people 30 days to leave; those who refuse will face a hearing to determine their indefinite imprisonment


Israel Confirms Plan to Deport 50,000 African Migrants


There are many more articles if you want to look them up.

Will E Worm

That does not equate to slavery, you moron.

Kicking them out without reason is not good. If it's good for them why not America and Europe?

Authorities will give people 30 days to leave; those who refuse will face a hearing to determine their indefinite imprisonment

Indefinite imprisonment sounds like slavery to me.