Farming The Dumbest Mob In Minecraft
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- Peter Griffin Chicken Jockey
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>>> villager >>>
@@Artyuicraft You won
@@I-did-September-11thdap doo doo doo
@@JKM115congregation progress when
Didn't collect the redstone and potatoes, :P
Is this a reliable redstone source?
@@Kilming pre 1.21 its horrible but 1.21+ its probably the best way
Is it reliable sauce
if all villagers were chicken jockeys, they would be a lot easier to deal with
Thanks for this JKM, we've been on the lookout for a starter mob and food farms for a while now and this has been a standout design as it doubles as both of them, supplying chicken and zombie drops.
@@hisamiyomotsu1337 I made it in first 2 days I think it's a matter of hour for you
@@hisamiyomotsu1337that's what I'm saying
I confirm that this is indeed hilarious
For sure
Yo wumba can u reply to me
"I built the fastest farm in minecraft"
"What are the rates?"
"hehe funny villager"
A note for other people who are going to do something like this: In the Old Growth Pine Taiga biome, zombie villagers have a 25% change to replace normal zombies instead of a 5% chance. Ilmango used this in his 1.19 skyblock series.
I genuinely just said WHAT out loud. That was way more unexpected, than seeing those villagers in one hole.
I'm glad there was no fire in it, or anything... 😉
zedaph will love this
0:06 ''If you search on RUclips and filter out the trash...'' LMFAO I didn't see that coming, that was unexpected and so funny
10:48 this is the thing i least expected to hear from jkm
also completely unrelated but i’m going to bed and i just got 82 on misty mountains. man that beginning is tough. that sleep buff gonna be crazy though
this is the most "Duh" and "Why didnt I think of that?!" mob combination I've ever heard of. Phenomenal
Was that a congregation jumpscare reference I heard??
@@TrideGD Presta congregation, yeah
the overlap is crazy lmaoooo
GEOMETRY DASH 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
suggestion: expand with witches for weakness pots, use player to give them gaps, and then wait for them to grow and use a dispenser with dragon heads to make an automatic dragon head villager chicken jockey farm
An upside-down villager chicken jockey wearing a dragon head is definitely one of the most cursed things i've ever seen in this game in over 10 years. Astounding.
Finally the other half of Cubicmetre's video! Love the stuff you guys do.
Silly wacky or downright insane projects! Love it!
Did I srs just get congregation jumpscared watching a MC video
you gotta funnel the carrots and potatoes dropped by this into a villager breeder the output of which then gets converted to witches in order to boost the redstone rates smh
12:30 slowed metal pipe sound effect is a lot funnier than it should be
I was watching at double speed and didn't realize it was slowed down 💀
Would it be possible to make a witch chicken by striking this thing with lightning? would be kinda funny
The witch is racist to chicken so it dismount it
@@derbastel Holly shit, wait, I gotta test that
@@JKM115 oh my god, I am waiting lol
@@JKM115 Would be epic, another addition to your minecraft shitposts 😂
@@derbastel Damnit, the witch dismounts the chicken
5:13 😳that got me feeling a certain way
8:50 the following 15 seconds would kill a small Victorian child
Are you still alive Mr Max Mondays???
5:04 official wavetech moaning competition
well now i need a massive trading hall made entirely of goofy villagers
5:14 the screech of horrors 😭
Thats a pretty damm good source
13:10 All Sentenced to the Pit of Death
This is not your everyday Minecraft shitposting.
This is
Advanced shitposting
Mud flaps recently collected all tropical fish manually (and painfully). Is it possible to automate this collection? I can't think of how, but you guys always do the impossible, so who knows
I mean you could just spawn and store them en masse. If you then want to sort them you'd have to use a client-side mod at least though
Should have made the farm in the jungle/swamp biome
i thought i escaped the congregation jumpscares, but no, they even haunt me in minecraft
Making an EOL farm just for a laugh is absolutely wild 😭
Such a fun vid. Havent seen such silliness in a tech video for years, so nice to see !
Okay hear me out. Zombie villager chicken jockey MOB SWITCH
9:55 lmao, the convenient void
Metal Pipes make the video better by 6969% 😂😂😂
Now I want a name tag Easter egg from Mojang called "Chicken Butt," where any mob who is named that will be upside-down, mounted on a chicken.
10:32 why did they do that, there might be an actually interesting reason behind it...
I love how the gold apple is a mango in his texture pack.
CBF detected, villagers must be banned to hole
thank you, now I can draw mrmaxmondays as a catgirl
I don't see how that's related but sure, go for it
actually really useful for transporting villagers using seeds... oh wait
They broke villager jokeys in the newest snapshot. :(
Edit: they dismount chickens after curing.
Fucking why
@@ketchup901 Probably an accident while fixing another bug.
Parity with Bedrock :(
The one Zedaph built a few weeks ago seems much more feasible lolololol
0:24 right handed?
10:49 I was expecting anything but a Congregation jumpscare
So first, Chronos stole pig cannons from Zedaph, and now Wave is stealing Chicken Jockeyiggers from him too?
People take his ideas all the time. He's a trailblazer!
WaveTech is the new SciCraft
absolutely insane I love it
Finally a use for the sculk sensor in farms. That block has been in the game for 3 years and has had no uses outside of detecting players.
Trading matrix ❌
Chicken coop ✅
In survival we got a villager jockey turned into a dang nitwit when it grew up...
it is convenient how you can put the chicken on a lead...
New JKM video! Yay!
BTW, how did you slice the portals?
Reducing an EOL to a zombie villager baby chicken jockey farm is pure madness! love it!
Most industrial organic chicken producer.
bro i will never escape the congregation jumpscares 😭
I have designed my own Jockey Farm before but this one is much cooler than mine. Also that tech for sorting them is really cool. I ended up sorting them by turning them into drowned in a bubble column and the drowneds like axolotls more than turtle eggs
The congregation jumpscare sound killed me 🤣
Having convenient void on my house would be nice
Ok, now atack the server with an army of those villagers
Now you need one for every villager biome
8:46 wait a minute,
did you really change your gamemode
Hey JKM if you’re looking for advice on how to build a storage system for this there’s this series by a RUclipsr called JKM called “top 10 storage tech lifehacks”-
RUclips studio decided to highlight this specific comment, and I'm glad it did
Congregation jumpscare in random minecraft video? IMPOSIBLE
The pit of villagers got my laughing!!!
now make the ultimate trading hall using only villager chicken jockeys
But this is not how Minecraft works. It registers them as two separate entities, even while riding as a jockey, which means that by curing the zombied baby villager would dismount this mob is impossible.
@@DaxSudo 🤓
@@JKM115 unless I guess it doesn’t run a check for Entity types during that tick and because they’re two separate entities gets processed separately. This is upsetting my technical brain. I need to go dig into some fucking function calls be right back.
New transportation method for villagers unlocked
its suffering
On my way to make a trading hall from these guys
as a gd player, i can confirm that the congregation jumpscare scared me.
The gd reference gave me whiplash
does this man also play gd too, what a legend
even in fucking minecraft videos i cant escape congregation jumscare help
New JKM upload, and by god, was it worth the wait.
"Storage Tech is my passion"
Congregation jumpscare in Minecraft is crazy
the villagers in a hole broke me
My god, lead-able villagers....imagine it
@@eshleyyy Yes! Finally someone got the congregation jumpscare
@@JKM115 That was an actual congregation jumpscare. I did not expect to get congregation jumpscared in middle of a technical minecraft video, especially not by you 😭
That makes it a good jumpscare
I was waiting for this moment
No way, Peter griffin on a chicken????!!!!
Yoo, those RGB-Light on your Netherportal are fire
honestly it might seem stupid but think about how nice it would be to just be able to lead villagers with seeds or a lead
I love silly videos
try this
when the villager grew up take them to a zombie and convert an adult villager riding chicken then suit him up with netherite armor and sword
and if you build this farm in jungle or swamp yo get even rarer variant of villager
Chicken jockey trading hall next?😂
“Congregation jumpscare” - u a real gd fan
I dont remember if it was a plugin or not. But on my buddies server chicken jockeys didnt drop eggs because the zombies would pick them up and never despawn. So if collect the chicken jockeys any time I could and replace the seed chickens in my friends chicken farm with them.
You know, if you really wanted the rarest mob in minecraft, it would have to be a jungle or swamp variant villager... also if the grown villager jockey where to get struck by lightning while the chicken is outside of the aoe would that create a witch jockey? Maybe even rarer
I like that extra drip
Could someone in the know briefly explain the light suppression thing pls?
On older versions (pre 1.20) you could make so many light updates that the stock lighting engine would have increasing amounts of lag to process them all, thus suppressing light for a specific amount of time. In 1.20 Mojang updated the light engine to use the same concept that the mod Starlight was using, vastly improving performance, so it's currently not practical in newer versions.
@@BinaryWhale so currently the solution is a tinted glass box?
@@sarchlalaith8836 no, portal blocks give off light, so that's why you have to hack the system to get mobs to spawn in and next to portals.
The mango cured it
Make the chicken dinnerbone too so that the dragon head villager floats
I have noticed an error in your RUclips description. Nowhere does it say "Storage tech is my passion."
The weather is no longer a good icebreaker🥳